🗓️Presale (Completed)

Presale is over. We are preparing for launch

Presale Date: April 28, 2022 Presale Time: 16:00UTC Presale Platform: Gempad Presale Link: TBA Hardcap: 1200BNB Softcap: 600BNB Min contribution: 0.1BNB Max contribution: 5BNB Launch Date: Between 2-4 May Launch On: PancakeSwap Price: Presale Rate = Listing Rate Vesting: No Preferred Launchpad Partner We have chosen Gempad as our preferred launchpad partner for 2 reasons; 1. Growth and Stability It eliminates the possibility of a launchpad dumping our tokens as Gempad will not hold any percentage of our token supply. ZERO% 2. Level the playing field Gempad has a tight anti-bot measures. No snipers would be able to snipe our presale. This is imperative as we have investors of various experiences. Thus, we would be able to give all whitelisted winners a level chance in partaking in the presale. Why is there no specific Launch Date? 1. The presale weekend is a long weekend since May 1 is a holiday in many parts of the world 2. It will give us a couple of extra days to ramp up our pre-launch marketing with couple of AMAs in target groups and Youtube Marketing 3. We are preparing for an extremely bullish announcement that will be ready at launch

Last updated